Bad Skin Day

Sound simple.. but very difficult for me.
I think I am not born with good skin gene.
I kept having a break out since my junior high school.
It means... I have been suffering for the same skin problem on and off for more than 15 years..
Oh :S....
I wish God never created pimples and acne..
I believe people who has experience breakout will agree with me.
Then I can save my money for something more meaningful in life, than paying my dermatologist and skin clinic.
This week I have been very good to my skin.
I drink a lot of water (at least 8 glass a day), Vitamin C 1000 mg, at least 2 fruits a day, lots of veggies. So I hope my skin will get better soon.
I should stop wasting money on the facial. But too bad, I have paid for 10 sessions and I still have another 7. I hope this is just a nightmare, and when I wake up tomorrow I have a clear skin.
Mirror mirror on the wall.....
Please make me clear of all these bumps..
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