Undesirable Event

Do you have an experience where things that you don't want to happen actually happens when you don't want it to happen the most.
For e.g you get an ugly pimple just before your first date, or you fall sick just before a performance whereby you have practiced so many hours for it.
So here what happen.
My company is going to have a morale event next Monday. Exciting event that I have been waiting for. No spoiler as to where and what we are going to do. I am one of the organizers. But the activities and place of the event is still confidential to the rest of the team.
Upon checking my email a few minutes ago, I found that suddenly so many problems and 'things to do' came up in just a few hours of so called "not working aka staying at home and sleep because of flu".
Gee.. now I am just wondering how many people are able to join the morale event tomorrow. As some issues involving about half of the team.
I keep my finger crossed.
I keep my finger crossed.
Morale of the story : unless it's a die die situation don't check your company email on weekend, and especially when you are not feeling well and coughing and having running nose.
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