Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I Had a Nightmare

Yesterday night I had a 'nightmare'. Nightmare for me may not be a nightmare for other people for sure.
I dreamed that I have 2 test the next day : PPKN and Math.
I haven't prepared for any of the test.
End up I didn't study PPKN at all and only study the first chapter of Math.

The next day in the dream is the exam. I just realised that I didn't bring my matric card and 2B pencil (In Indonesia we use 2B pencil to do our exam) in the car during my journey to the school. *sigh* End up I told my mum to go back to the house and bring my matric card.

In front of the classroom I wait for my mum until the bell that indicates that exam has started rang.

I went to the classroom in a rush. Open the exam paper. I did Question 1 successfully, question 2 as well. On question 3, I had a tough time remembering what formula should I use. And then......

I wake up... I feel very relieved knowing that It was only a dream :).

Just a little bit history background about me :
I always prepared for my exam even a few weeks (if possible) before the actual date. Hehehe...
And I really like maths... like mathsss very much. I don't know why.
I score full marks a few times during my final examination.
That's why this dream is a nightmare to me :s.

Hehehe.... Fiuhhh just hope the best for today.

Quotes of the day :

Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it. ~Jacques Prévert


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