Sunday, February 20, 2005

Don't Take Your Life for Granted......

Hehehe yeah A very good advice from my pastor..
Don't take other people life and your life for granted.

A little bit background about my pastor:
She has gone through some kind of stomach surgery for 12 times.. ckckck I just can't imagine how she can survive till now.
There was one time where her condition was very bad she need to be on some kind of drugs 24 hour to reduce the pain.
Thank God she is now perfectly well. :)

Sometimes in life we take people surround us for granted. We are so used to their kindness, patience, and existence. We don't feel the need to really love them fully.
Only when the people has gone we suddenly realised that something has missing in our lives and start to regret about the things we haven't done for them etc etc.

This is happens to me as well.
When my father passed away I suddenly realised that I really love him so much. I really take granted all his love, effort to pay for my university loan etc.
Well sometimes you don't know what you got till it's gone.

From today onwards I will not take my life and other people life for granted..
God bless


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