Monday, April 25, 2005

My Journey with God

And even though I'm walking
Through the valley of the shadow
I will hold tight to the hand of Him
Whose love will comfort me
And when all hope is gone
And I've been wounded in the battle
He is all the strength that I will ever need
He will carry me

He will carry me - Mark Schultz

I was not born in a Christian family. Both my parents were Buddhist and I was studying in Catholic school for 13 years.

My mum started to become a Christian when I was in Primary 3. I still remember my mum's friend who asked us to go to church every Sunday, she even picked us up at our front door :).

Since that day, I went to Sunday school with my sister. I joined the church choir when I was in Primary 5. I was baptized when I was in 2nd year of my Senior High School. I believe in God. That's for sure. I also believe in Jesus as my saviour.

My christian live however, can't be denied, is full with ups and downs.
Sometimes I went to church just for the sake of routine. There were times in my life where I didn't feel close to God and been wondering how to go back to my first love to God.

During my second year in NTU, my father passed away. It was 2 days after my 20th birthday. I feel sad and shocked at the same time.
That's the first time in my life I needed to think about so many things until I couldn't think anymore.

However God is faithful and good. I have been blessed with a great family, a wonderful mum who always believes that God will provides, as well as so many friends who helped me going through the process. Those who skipped lecture and tutorial to help me get my air ticket, fetched me and picked me up from Changi. Those who explained the past lectures, tutorials and labs as I really skipped lots of them. And many others. Sometimes I have been wondering what will happen to me without them. Well, a friend in need is a friend in deed. Thanks guys.

Looking back at my life, I really thank God for everything. Thank God for good times and thank God for bad times. As no matter what happens I believe that He will always be there for me and you :).

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with loving-kindness have I draw you” (Jeremiah 31:3).


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