Current feeling : A little bit bored and sleepy..

I feel glad that I have one person to help me. Bulan ini tuh giliran dia take over everything (only from next month onwards we will share the job).
Baru sekarang sempet sering sering update blog. Blog ku udah terlantar gini..
Lagi enjoy free time in office. I am so lucky that this month I get some free time to breathe. My last few months has been very tough. Juggling between finishing everything that need to be done with training the new hire..
Free time bener2x bikin gw mikir2x tentang apa yang gw mao do. Basically mulai kepikir buat doing something that I REALLY like.
I don't hate my job. After 1 year + here, I have settled down and suddenly feel a little bit bored.
That's human nature and I am not complaining.
I think that's the work life cycle in Singapore.
Phase 1: honeymoon - the first few months (hehe if you are lucky enough you'll have this phase). This is mostly training and getting used to your work environment and colleagues.
Phase 2: the reality - your boss will start to load you with all kind of jobs that you can take in.
Yeah and the number of jobs loads to you will become more and more by days.
Just remember, don't be afraid to say NO. Once I said No, and say sorry that I can't help due to other commitment. Amazingly my boss said that's fine, and thanks for being so honest. Well.. in the beginning I feel that I just accepted anything offered to me. I ended up with mountains of works to do :S.
Phase 3: comfort zone - after settling down with your work. This is the phase where you have got the basic knowledge in your head. I believe that the basic knowledge/foundation is one of the most important thing in working environment. Once you have the basic knowledge, you can explore yourself to understand it better.
Phase 4: saturated zone - no more things to learn. This is the phase where you have known your job very well until you feel that there is no more challenge in doing it.
Some people may not experience all the phases in their workplace. Or it may be in a different order or even repeated order.
So in which phase are you now?
Tommorow is my off day. I can't wait till tommorow comes.
Happy working everyone.

I feel glad that I have one person to help me. Bulan ini tuh giliran dia take over everything (only from next month onwards we will share the job).
Baru sekarang sempet sering sering update blog. Blog ku udah terlantar gini..
Lagi enjoy free time in office. I am so lucky that this month I get some free time to breathe. My last few months has been very tough. Juggling between finishing everything that need to be done with training the new hire..
Free time bener2x bikin gw mikir2x tentang apa yang gw mao do. Basically mulai kepikir buat doing something that I REALLY like.
I don't hate my job. After 1 year + here, I have settled down and suddenly feel a little bit bored.
That's human nature and I am not complaining.
I think that's the work life cycle in Singapore.
Phase 1: honeymoon - the first few months (hehe if you are lucky enough you'll have this phase). This is mostly training and getting used to your work environment and colleagues.
Phase 2: the reality - your boss will start to load you with all kind of jobs that you can take in.
Yeah and the number of jobs loads to you will become more and more by days.
Just remember, don't be afraid to say NO. Once I said No, and say sorry that I can't help due to other commitment. Amazingly my boss said that's fine, and thanks for being so honest. Well.. in the beginning I feel that I just accepted anything offered to me. I ended up with mountains of works to do :S.
Phase 3: comfort zone - after settling down with your work. This is the phase where you have got the basic knowledge in your head. I believe that the basic knowledge/foundation is one of the most important thing in working environment. Once you have the basic knowledge, you can explore yourself to understand it better.
Phase 4: saturated zone - no more things to learn. This is the phase where you have known your job very well until you feel that there is no more challenge in doing it.
Some people may not experience all the phases in their workplace. Or it may be in a different order or even repeated order.
So in which phase are you now?
Tommorow is my off day. I can't wait till tommorow comes.
Happy working everyone.
halo titin apa kabarnya.. ini bonnita yg dulu sekelas di sma tarki.. :)
Bonnita, at 5:11 PM
Iyach.. ini gw.. anak Tar-q.. hehe gw add loe yach di blog gw?
Tp blog gw jarang diupdate nich.
Agustina Sadikin, at 1:08 PM
wah asiknya bear.. :) :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:12 PM
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