Lunch Time Topic
Just come back from lunch @Steffi with my colleague.
I ate Penang Kwetiau.. not bad.. but a little bit spicy. It seems this place has become more and more popular among APOC people. I saw lots of familiar faces there today.
Today my collagues were talking about marriage.. hoah.. a taboo issue for single.
Better don't hear too much about it if you are still single or you'll be afraid of marriage.
Among 5 of us, only 2 are married (happily), my boss and my close colleague. They are happily married but they also advise me soooo many things.. Do this and that.. and this and that.. woa...
One of them is.. you have to let you husband pay for all the household needs. House payment can be shared, but the rest, let the guy pay.
Hmm.. I just know about this kind of rule. All this while, I thought everything was shared equally. That's good hoh... hehehe... I am lucky to be a girl =).
So for singles out there.... better enjoy your single hood as much as possible before it ends.

Ok.. I'm back to work everyone..
Have a blessed day.
I ate Penang Kwetiau.. not bad.. but a little bit spicy. It seems this place has become more and more popular among APOC people. I saw lots of familiar faces there today.
Today my collagues were talking about marriage.. hoah.. a taboo issue for single.
Better don't hear too much about it if you are still single or you'll be afraid of marriage.
Among 5 of us, only 2 are married (happily), my boss and my close colleague. They are happily married but they also advise me soooo many things.. Do this and that.. and this and that.. woa...
One of them is.. you have to let you husband pay for all the household needs. House payment can be shared, but the rest, let the guy pay.
Hmm.. I just know about this kind of rule. All this while, I thought everything was shared equally. That's good hoh... hehehe... I am lucky to be a girl =).
So for singles out there.... better enjoy your single hood as much as possible before it ends.

Ok.. I'm back to work everyone..
Have a blessed day.
Huhuhu... Single and enjoying it... =D
ericb34r, at 6:42 AM
hehehe iyach dong bear..
skrg pas single mesti enjoy.. ntar pas dah ga single mesti enjoy juga ^_^
Agustina Sadikin, at 11:44 AM
Hahaha... Kl dah ngak single, pasti lebih enjoy lagi dong, Tin... =P
ericb34r, at 6:52 AM
Now I let my hubby pays for everything! hehehe...
Not that we have any other choice :P
Unknown, at 4:16 PM
bear : hi hi.. amin amin..provided I get a nice boyfriend.. keep my finger crossed :)..
grace: hahah.. i know what you mean grace.. admire you for able to become a full time mom.. gw kg tau dech bklan bisa tahan apa engga.. apalagi abis baca baby blues..
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:55 AM
well... actually even if you work, once you have a kid you will always be a full time mom ;) hehehe
Unknown, at 3:04 PM
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