Saturday, February 24, 2007

Farewell with Ravindi at Changi

Yesterday, we went to Changi airport to bid farewell with Ravindi.
She is taking Cathay departing at 20:55. I rushed back from office. Luckily I managed to get there around 19.20 PM. We had dinner together at Burger King.

I am going to miss her. It has been a great 3 years of us becoming flatmate..

I still remember when Ravindi and I were roomate last time. We were alike in one thing : We can't wake up early... heheh.. End up.. in that semester I skipped so many morning lectures.. haha.. But don't worry about that, we managed to pass all the subject with good result that year.. Followings are some of the pictures that we took in Changi. Photos of Ravindi, me, Yim Lai, Emmy and Hasni (Ravindi's friend).

Rav at changi3 Rav at changiP2230120

Rav at changiP2230121 Rav at changi

For Ravindi : We are going to miss you..... ^_^...
Thanks for being a good friends..
Hopefully we can be there for your wedding ceremony.
Take care..


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