A Hot Day
In Singapore the weather changes very fast.
These few days the temperature has been around 32-35 degrees.

This morning, the sun striked hot.
It is worsen when I have to walk under the hot sun for an avoidable event.
Today I left home to office at usual time. I walked to the bus stop for about 8 minutes. After waiting for about 10 minutes, finally the 189 bus came.
I just realized that I forgot to bring my wallet when I want to enter the bus.
Gosh, all my money and ezlink card is inside the wallet.
So I rushed back to the flat, and got it. After that, I still need to walk back to the bus stop and wait for the next bus.
Next time, I will just put the ezlink inside my bag to prevent this kind of situation.
By the way, there is a good news. The weather forecast by CNN mentioned that for the next few days Singapore will be partially cloudy. So at least we can expect the temperature to be lower.
These few days the temperature has been around 32-35 degrees.

This morning, the sun striked hot.
It is worsen when I have to walk under the hot sun for an avoidable event.
Today I left home to office at usual time. I walked to the bus stop for about 8 minutes. After waiting for about 10 minutes, finally the 189 bus came.
I just realized that I forgot to bring my wallet when I want to enter the bus.
Gosh, all my money and ezlink card is inside the wallet.
So I rushed back to the flat, and got it. After that, I still need to walk back to the bus stop and wait for the next bus.
Next time, I will just put the ezlink inside my bag to prevent this kind of situation.
By the way, there is a good news. The weather forecast by CNN mentioned that for the next few days Singapore will be partially cloudy. So at least we can expect the temperature to be lower.

Well, it will be partly cloudy, but why is the temperature rising?
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM
Hehe iyach.. max temperaturenya emang increase.
Kt temen gw sich cloudy day means less windy, so the temperature even may go higher. Pdhal gw expect to be cooler.
Agustina Sadikin, at 2:26 PM
At least let there also be wind!
Unknown, at 12:28 AM
I guess when it is just partly cloudy with no rain, the heat reflected by the earth will not be able to escape. It will be trapped and it will make the earth hotter.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
lancerlord : hopefully there will be wind heheh really can't stand the heat
adi: yeah that's true...
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:18 PM
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