Da Vinci Code
I finally managed to finish Da Vinci Code's 105 Chapters 593 pages in 2 weeks.
My fastest record so far.

Hmm the book is quite interesting, but my advice is, just read this book as a novel. Because some of the things which is mentioned here is not true.
Dan Brown is a very hmmm*good* author. He is the kind of author who can convince people about something which is not true and people will believe it. If you don't have any background knowledge about it, I think you will just fall on it.
The book talks a lot about Leonardo Da Vinci, Fibonacci sequence, Phi (Phi is 1.1618 not 3.14), Holy Grail, etc.
I find that some parts of the book are quite scary in the sense that, he mentioned something which is so wrong, but he mentioned it in a very persuasive way..
Gosh, he even said that the person beside Jesus in Leonardo Da Vinci painting, 'The Last Supper' is Maria Magdalene.

Well, overall the book is good for those who like code breaking, math and Leonardo Da Vinci, BUT... don't believe blindly all the things mentioned inside.
My fastest record so far.

Hmm the book is quite interesting, but my advice is, just read this book as a novel. Because some of the things which is mentioned here is not true.
Dan Brown is a very hmmm*good* author. He is the kind of author who can convince people about something which is not true and people will believe it. If you don't have any background knowledge about it, I think you will just fall on it.
The book talks a lot about Leonardo Da Vinci, Fibonacci sequence, Phi (Phi is 1.1618 not 3.14), Holy Grail, etc.
I find that some parts of the book are quite scary in the sense that, he mentioned something which is so wrong, but he mentioned it in a very persuasive way..
Gosh, he even said that the person beside Jesus in Leonardo Da Vinci painting, 'The Last Supper' is Maria Magdalene.

Well, overall the book is good for those who like code breaking, math and Leonardo Da Vinci, BUT... don't believe blindly all the things mentioned inside.
I also bought this book, but haven;t finish reading yet...bener nih author jago untuk bikin fiksi jadi seperti kenyataan. Ini buku kan fiksi, tapi diambil dari fakta2x yang ada, jadi seperti memutarbalikkan fakta. tapi jadinya bikin orang penasaran, dan tujuan dia tercapai kl orang jadi penasaran...hahhahaha..bahkan banyak buku lagi yang menentang ini buku, tapi dia malah asik2x aja, soalnya itu berarti iklan gratis...hahahha...
Parlin, at 12:51 PM
parlin : iyach bener lin..
have you reach half of the book?
after i reach more than half, I started to feel hmm.. dunno how to describe it..
he described the relationship between Jesus and Maria Magdalene in a very *strange* way.. which I know is wrong...
Agustina Sadikin, at 3:14 PM
yach, gua seh emang denger katanya buku sesat, ya ud loh, ngapain lagi iseng gua baca.
toh, masih banyak buku2 laen yg lebih worth utk dibaca.
Hendrik Christian, at 4:42 PM
heheh iyach mit abis baca gw jadi serem sendiri.
kalo ga suka ga usah baca dech mendingan..
Agustina Sadikin, at 5:42 PM
Hehehe... Justru itu hebatnya Dan Brown. Keren2... Gua juga lagi baca dan gua belon selesai. Hehehe... Seru seh bukunya... Jadi terkenal tuh sampe di buat filmnya tahun depan =D
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
bear : iyach bear awal2xnya apalagi bener2x tense and interesting...
akhirnya juga sih :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 11:21 PM
tin, rekor g.. 3 hari baca buku itu hehe... saking serunya..
interesting book.. he combines art, religion, science in a book... keren seh...
sesat yah? huehue... ambil dari sisi positif aja... utk org2 yg passive, mungkin akan accept gitu aja.. but at least they now know about Jesus dan buku ini bisa masuk ke PI huehue ... utk orang2 yang suka challenge, will try to find more about Christianity.. so really it's our task to straighten the idea n reveal the good News from God ..
Sienny, at 6:30 PM
sienny : heheh gile sien.. 3 hari ckckckc hebat2x ^_^.
hihii kesian dong kalo yg belon tau Jesus baca buku ini... soalnya kesan yg disampein beda bgt..
pas baca berhubung gw dah know about Jesus.. I am a little bit shock.. heheh makanya buku ini hanya untuk dibaca sebagia novel.
tp the other part emang quite interesting.. apalagi ttg leonardo da vinci en phi :)
btw sien temen yg pinjemin buku itu ke gw .. dia ikut discipleship class di greja gara2x baca buku itu heheheh..
Agustina Sadikin, at 7:54 PM
praise God!... seee this book might bring people desire to know HIM more hehe.. so jangan cepet2 dijudge buku sesat dulu hehe...
I'm sure He still works in His amazing way... even when we can't see the way..
Sienny, at 10:29 PM
sienny : haha ya dech :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 12:04 AM
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