What is Love Actually
I've just listen to the interview between the radio DJ of Positive Live Radio with Joshua Harris and Shannon.
FYI Joshua Harris is the Author of 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' and 'Boy Meets Girl',
and Shannon is his wife.
I find that the journey of a person from who they were to where they are now is a very interesting topic. The interview is about how he changed his perception from vs dating (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) to pro dating (Boy Meets Girl).

"Well, everything is about timing and God's time for sure", Joshua said.
What is Love actually?
How do you know that he/she is the one you Love?
Some people told me they got into a relationship cause the other person seem to love them,no harm trying even if you don't love a person and after some time together you will end up loving the person.
Then there are some others who get into relationships cause they feel peer pressure, the mentality of 'Everyone's got someone, I should too.
I think this is a wrong thinking.
Some people said that the one we spend our lifetimes with is just the person who appears at the right place at the right time.
It is just the person who happens to be at the right place at the right time.
Is this true?
FYI Joshua Harris is the Author of 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' and 'Boy Meets Girl',
and Shannon is his wife.
I find that the journey of a person from who they were to where they are now is a very interesting topic. The interview is about how he changed his perception from vs dating (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) to pro dating (Boy Meets Girl).

"Well, everything is about timing and God's time for sure", Joshua said.
What is Love actually?
How do you know that he/she is the one you Love?
Some people told me they got into a relationship cause the other person seem to love them,no harm trying even if you don't love a person and after some time together you will end up loving the person.
Then there are some others who get into relationships cause they feel peer pressure, the mentality of 'Everyone's got someone, I should too.
I think this is a wrong thinking.
Some people said that the one we spend our lifetimes with is just the person who appears at the right place at the right time.
It is just the person who happens to be at the right place at the right time.
Is this true?
in a way bener seh tin. well, again back to concept of soulmate deh.
tapi menurut gua seh, dari point of view kita itu, emang orang itu happen to be in the right place at the right time, tapi dari point of view Tuhan, itu orang emang ud di-pre-destined to end up there, so no surprise.
still, most of us ga nyari pasangan spt nyari kerjaan, as in, all out buat nyari, tapi relax ajah, and as ppl come and go, eh, ada satu yg cocok, ada spark2, and so on and so on, well ... jadi deh .... sometimes it can be that simple.
but, until i have found mine, all those are just mere theory of mine :)
Hendrik Christian, at 9:17 PM
hmm iyach sih mit..
our point of view is different from God's point of view..
'sometimes it can be that simple'
yes.. for some people it is really that simple.. they just knew it since the beginning.. sometimes i am really amazed..
'but, until i have found mine, all those are just mere theory of mine :)'
hahahah good theory kok.. ^_^
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:25 PM
bener tin, until we have done it, we won't know if we belong to the group who have to fight and struggle so hard, or the group who found their other significant part after one week of encounter, like Grace :D
good theory yach? heheheh.... as a start lah .... toh, belon pengalaman juga :) soon soon ..... :D
Hendrik Christian, at 9:47 AM
iyach tuh mit.. si grace bener2x dech... klo ditanyain tau nya gimana jawabnya "Yah tau ajah" Gosh...
'soon soon ..... :D '
hohoo iyach dech mit... :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:25 AM
I haven't read any of those two books by Joshua Harris, but I am rather skeptical with popular books, even if they are Christian books. Well, that is my personal opinion. But I would prefer to learn from those great men of the past, such as John Calvin, Martin Luther, or Charles Spurgeon--how they found their wives, how their love stories were like, how they kept faithful to the end (this, for me, is the most important thing--not how it begins, but how it ends). Surely you will learn a lot from them!
Anonymous, at 1:13 PM
adi : hehe benernya gw juga ga pernah baca bukunya sich cuman baca reviewnya doang.
hehhe mungkin jaman dulu lebih accurate..
may be even we should go back to see the story from the bible.. story of Adam and Eve, Jacob and Rebekah.. etc
Agustina Sadikin, at 3:55 PM
hahahah, jgn2 ntar loe juga tin, kaya gitu, huehuhue.....
trus pas gua nanya elu, loe juga bilang, "yach, tau aje" :p
Hendrik Christian, at 12:19 AM
Hehehe... Duh susah ya gini? Ngak usah susah2 lah. Tunggu aja tanggal maennya. Just wait and see... Hehehe... Kita lihat saja nanti gimana...
You'll never know until you try loh. Hehehe...
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
hehehe mit..
kg kebalik nich..
kyknya bklan gw yg nanya loe trus loe jawabnya 'yah tau aje' heheh :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:23 AM
Tunggu aja tanggal maennya. Just wait and see... Hehehe... Kita lihat saja nanti gimana...
hihih bear gw tunggu tanggal maennya loe yach...
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:24 AM
wahh ini berat nih diskusinya..heheheh..tapi gue udah baca yang "i kissed dating goodbye" tapi yg boy meet girl itu gue blm baca.
menurut gue, ya bener sih yg bakal end up sama kita itu its someone at yg happen to be at the right time and at the right place. tapi itu kan itu berlaku di kedua pihak co and ce. Jadi itu bukan cm sekedar coincidence. tapi itu emang udah terencana sebelumnya bukan kebetulan. kenapa gue bilang udah terencana, karena gue tau tulang rusuk gue masih ilang. tapi blm ketemu dimana nih..hehehhe..uhuii..very good topic nih...
Parlin, at 1:41 PM
Titin: Hehehehe... Boleh aja tunggu aja. =D Terus nanti pas elo tanya, gua jawab "Yah tau aja pokoknya." =P
Tapi sometime kl elo suka orang tuh bukannya no need a reason to like her/him gt ya? I mean somehow you just happen to like that person without knowing why you like her/him. True or not seh?
Anonymous, at 4:09 PM
parlin : iyach bener lin.. that's why it's so difficult.. soalnya mesti diliat dari both side, the girl side and the guy side..
berarti yg udah meet bener2x great yach..
gue tau tulang rusuk gue masih ilang. tapi blm ketemu dimana
emang bener yach co jumlah bonesnya less than woman..
btw klo single gimana dong.. forever ilang...
Agustina Sadikin, at 4:12 PM
titin: yach, kita saling tanya2an deh :D .... mungkin banget elu duluan kok tin ... although gua ga bakalan nunggu2in :p
unless, tulang rusuk gua yg ilang itu elu, huahuahua.... *garink*
ud ah, jgn mulai lagi ... ntar heboh lagi kaya waktu itu ...
parlin: gua setuju, bukan coincidence, tapi providency of God :D
bear: ciayoooo.... kita flatmate menunggu orang yg bakalan menyusul bayu neh, cia yoo dut, di NTU banyak kan? huahauhuah....
soal tau apa kaganya seh ... hmmm... gua dari dulu punya checklist, tapi after a while, gua nyadar, and setelah baca artikel di MSN, ternyata disuruh buang checklist-nya, soalnya ga guna... katanya gitu ...
dan milih seh boleh milih, tapi most of the time, kalo "cupid" ud nembak, yach apa mo dikata.... jadi deh.... heheheh....
Hendrik Christian, at 8:37 PM
bear : iyach bener deh yg bilang love doesn't need a reason.. makanya sampe2x ada yg bilang 'love is blind' hehe padahal sebenernya engga..
love is not blind.. it sees but it doesn't mind..
cimit : hehehe ya mit.. jgn diterusin dech entar heboh kyk dulu lagi
btw loe dulu punya checklist apa yach mit... ^_^ en artikel msn apaan... mao dong.. rahasia yach
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:33 AM
klo diliat2x ternyata comment di blogspot rada ngebingungin juga yach.. reply sapa buat yg mana..
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:34 AM
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