Amazing Race 7
Yesterday I watched the final episodes of Amazing Race 7. It is really amazing, just like the name.
Hehehe I start to become the fans of the reality show.. ^_^.
I only watched Amazing Race 6 and 7, so I still find it interesting.
For those people who have been watching it since the first season, they might find it boring.. heheh.
Anyway, there are a lot of interesting things to learn from this show.
First of all, believe in miracles, hehehe cos they really do happen.
Can you imagine that a plane that are ready to take off, go back to the passenger site just because you are begging and begging and praying?
Secondly, the strongest team doesn't necessarily win. It also depends on their luck and their taxi driver :P.
Thirdly, be good to your partner otherwise the whole journey is a misery.
The last thing is.. never give up till the end...
Hehehe I start to become the fans of the reality show.. ^_^.
I only watched Amazing Race 6 and 7, so I still find it interesting.
For those people who have been watching it since the first season, they might find it boring.. heheh.
Anyway, there are a lot of interesting things to learn from this show.
First of all, believe in miracles, hehehe cos they really do happen.
Can you imagine that a plane that are ready to take off, go back to the passenger site just because you are begging and begging and praying?
Secondly, the strongest team doesn't necessarily win. It also depends on their luck and their taxi driver :P.
Thirdly, be good to your partner otherwise the whole journey is a misery.
The last thing is.. never give up till the end...
ga nonton kemaren :(
Hendrik Christian, at 8:05 PM
yach cimit... knp ga nonton mit...
heheheh =P
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:10 PM
Setuju!!! Long live Amazing Race. My most favorite show. =D
Keren banget tuh Uchenna and Joyce. Mantap banget! They just can't give up! Salut d ama mereka. Bener2 worth it d mereka juara. Sampe botakin rambut segala tuh Joyce.
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
bear : iyach bener2x big sacrifice.. tp mrk bener2x luck juga sich mnrt emang udah di destinated buat win kali hehehe biar dah ketinggalan jauh masih menang juga :p
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:38 AM
One of my favorite show also. Tapi gue gk ikutin yang season 7 nih. kl menurut gue, luck juga play a role in this game. Tapi winning is not important. But its how you play the game. Fair, honest, competitif, and cooperation with your partner. Kan enak sekalian jalan2x..hehehee...i wish i can join the race *miracles do happen right...;)*
Parlin, at 11:16 AM
parlin : 'winning is not important. But its how you play the game'
heheh iyach2x bener juga.. sometimes the process does matter.
gw percaya miracle do happens :P.
btw "Believe in miracle but don't depend on them.." so parlin.. start applying for next amazing race ^_^ hehehhe.
Agustina Sadikin, at 12:44 PM
Hahaha... Luck tuh selalu play a role in everywhere seh gua bil. Hehehe.. People said that luck is part of talent. =D
Ayo ikut Lin! Tapi kl ikut gua rasa gua langsung di eliminate. Soalnya kl gua sambil kesana liat2 dan poto2. Hehehe... So, kayaknya bakal lama tuh gua jalan =P
Anonymous, at 10:16 PM
heheh kalian berdua silakan ikutan dech sepertinya lumayan cocok tuh
'bear and parlin' university friends heheheh =)
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:45 AM
hahahha...boleh tuh parlin dan eric...tapi bener kata lu ric, kayaknya kt bakal di eliminate pertama, kebanyakan photo2x and jalan2x...hahahhaha...
Parlin, at 5:03 PM
Hahaha... Yoi, Bentar2 poto2. Hehehe... Abis itu kita langsung off d. =P Tapi kl kita ikut, musti berhenti kerja kl ya? =P
Anonymous, at 10:59 PM
abis photo2x bukan berhenti ric, abis photo2x kita makan..hahhaha..tapi kita jadi masuk historynya Amazing race kl yah, peserta paling bochap...hahhahahah...kagak berhenti kerja lah, long leave aja. kl misalnya menang juara satu dapet 1 million dollar nah boleh d berhenti kerja...hahhahaha
Parlin, at 11:51 AM
napa ga nonton yach? kayanya pulang malem deh waktu itu. ga inget juga tin.
parlin, ndut: kalo menang, gua jemput deh di changi :D
Hendrik Christian, at 9:15 PM
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