A Simple Life
My life has been very simple lately.
I go to work in the morning. After work, just stay at home and enjoy evening tv programmes or going for some church activities.
That's why updating blog is hmmmmmmm heheheh very difficult.
This week my office has been the source of flu virus for everyone. Starting from my project manager who got fever but he still came to office. Followed by the admin officer who has flu and cough badly. Today my site manager is on mc. Now everybody start to cough cough .
Gosh guess I am influenced a little bit by this flu virus as well ^_^.
Heheh by the way congratulation to Grace and Gustaman for the new born baby.. can't wait to see the pictures =P.
I go to work in the morning. After work, just stay at home and enjoy evening tv programmes or going for some church activities.
That's why updating blog is hmmmmmmm heheheh very difficult.
This week my office has been the source of flu virus for everyone. Starting from my project manager who got fever but he still came to office. Followed by the admin officer who has flu and cough badly. Today my site manager is on mc. Now everybody start to cough cough .
Gosh guess I am influenced a little bit by this flu virus as well ^_^.
Heheh by the way congratulation to Grace and Gustaman for the new born baby.. can't wait to see the pictures =P.
A life is not interesting just because it is lived, but because it is reflected upon.
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM
read my article about presenteeism
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM
asen : hehehe iyach sen that's true.. whenever you are sick just take a rest drpd nyebar2x virus ke yg laen juga.
ocha : i am trying to reflect upon my life now :).
Agustina Sadikin, at 1:28 PM
hehehe, sibuk ga sibuk tetep ajah ga nge-update blog yach? :)
Hendrik Christian, at 8:04 PM
hehehe gw bingung mit mo nulis apa soalnya :).
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:08 PM
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