Sleep Deprivation
I started to have this sleep deprivation since I came back to Singapore.
I used to sleep 8-9 hours a day, even during exam period in NTU ^_^.
However, these few days I always wake up around 4 am and finding myself trying hard to get back to sleep.. Ohh gosh.. I tried counting sheeps, panadol, but not much of an advantage.. hehe..
I really need something that can make me sleep without disturbing my roomate. Any idea?
May be I am too used to the good bed and air con room in Indo.. Oh no..
I used to sleep 8-9 hours a day, even during exam period in NTU ^_^.
However, these few days I always wake up around 4 am and finding myself trying hard to get back to sleep.. Ohh gosh.. I tried counting sheeps, panadol, but not much of an advantage.. hehe..
I really need something that can make me sleep without disturbing my roomate. Any idea?
May be I am too used to the good bed and air con room in Indo.. Oh no..
stress yach tin?
Hendrik Christian, at 2:46 PM
partially iyach kali yach mit.. back to reality of life.. abis enak2x di indo...
bingung mesti gmn masih rada2x homesick.. hehehe
Agustina Sadikin, at 5:48 PM
you.. are.. going.. to.. sleep..
*hypnotic smile*
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM
truegosipper : heheh wish that works...
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:26 AM
Go ahead wake up and do your eating. Bcos I may be awake. Ehehehe ... sometime i also wake up around that time, but i just close my eyes to force myself sleep ehehehe. But I feel terribly sleepy when it is 6:30pm (suppose to wake up to go to company ehehehe...)
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
hehehe i do get up and eat ^_^
thanks for the suggestion yimmy
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:11 AM
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