I'll be Home in 11 Days
Fiuhh.. finally my new leave has been approved. ^_^
I am going back to Indo from 13-20 August 2005.
I hope this time, there will be no last minute cancellation from my boss anymore... I hope I hope...
At first, like other SPR, I was planning to go back during National Day. Save my precious one day leave.
I thought everything has been planned perfectly.
My 4 days leave has been approved by my Engineering Manager and my supervisor.
I have booked my air ticket.
I have told my mum and my sis.
I have told my KTB friend, they have even planned to fetch me back to Changi.
I have bought things for my family too.
And suddenly.... my new Engineering manager in US is planning trip to Singapore. And he will come on 8 or 10-11 of Aug..
I guess he doesn't know that 9 August is Singapore National Day and most people are taking leave that week.
The sad thing is my current supervisor said that he want to meet all engineers in Singapore...
Yeah.. and my boss asked me to cancel all my leave.
Hehehehe soo... I delayed my trip home one week later...
Yipee.. I can't wait to go back...
I am going back to Indo from 13-20 August 2005.
I hope this time, there will be no last minute cancellation from my boss anymore... I hope I hope...
At first, like other SPR, I was planning to go back during National Day. Save my precious one day leave.
I thought everything has been planned perfectly.
My 4 days leave has been approved by my Engineering Manager and my supervisor.
I have booked my air ticket.
I have told my mum and my sis.
I have told my KTB friend, they have even planned to fetch me back to Changi.
I have bought things for my family too.
And suddenly.... my new Engineering manager in US is planning trip to Singapore. And he will come on 8 or 10-11 of Aug..
I guess he doesn't know that 9 August is Singapore National Day and most people are taking leave that week.
The sad thing is my current supervisor said that he want to meet all engineers in Singapore...
Yeah.. and my boss asked me to cancel all my leave.
Hehehehe soo... I delayed my trip home one week later...
Yipee.. I can't wait to go back...
Congrats Titin! Akhirnya di-approve juga leave-nya. Met seneng2 di Indo :)
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM
Hehehe... Oleh2... =D
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
hehehe.... met pulang tin ... enjoy di indo :D
Hendrik Christian, at 12:25 AM
lillian : heheh iyach... finally di approve juga dech yg ini.... :)
bear: mo oleh2x apaan bear? udara indo ajah yach.. gw masukin ke botol hehe...
cimit : makasih2x definitely bklan enjoy mit..udah lama kg pulang nichh..
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:21 AM
ud mo pulang nich yeeee :D
Hendrik Christian, at 12:21 PM
yoi mit.. in another 3 days..
mo nitip ga?
klo mo nitip bilang2x yach
Agustina Sadikin, at 8:59 AM
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