I've Been Busy
I've just realized that I haven't updated my blog for almost 2 weeks..
That's a very longgg time.. :).
I've been very busy with my new role as Software Verfication Test team.
Yay... I'll be doing software verification test for our engineering team 3G application until end of this month.
I have been executing hundred of test cases everyday.. hehehe...
Start to enjoy the new role though it means I have to stay longer than usual.
Now I have access to 13 latest 3G handsets, datacard, all different SIM cards ^_^.
Sounds fun, but actually the job is quite tough... hehe I have to do all the handset testing within a very limited time. Changing SIM card, test video call, modem connection, and lots and lots of calculation hehe...
So... need to go back to work now. Happy working everyone.
That's a very longgg time.. :).
I've been very busy with my new role as Software Verfication Test team.
Yay... I'll be doing software verification test for our engineering team 3G application until end of this month.
I have been executing hundred of test cases everyday.. hehehe...
Start to enjoy the new role though it means I have to stay longer than usual.
Now I have access to 13 latest 3G handsets, datacard, all different SIM cards ^_^.
Sounds fun, but actually the job is quite tough... hehe I have to do all the handset testing within a very limited time. Changing SIM card, test video call, modem connection, and lots and lots of calculation hehe...
So... need to go back to work now. Happy working everyone.
tin, ini orang2 tolong diapus yg diatas.
gile juga, elu punya banyak hp donk skr, bisa dibawa pulang and dipake ga? :p
kan alesannya mesti di-test di real-world scenario, hahaha.....
Hendrik Christian, at 3:11 PM
tin sekarang banyak orang2x aneh masukin comment2x, mendingan turn on word verification di blog settingmu.
wahh enak yah bisa coba2x hp baru...andaikan saya bisa seperti anda coba2x pake hap baru tapi gk usah kerjain kerjaanya...hehehhehehe...
Parlin, at 11:51 AM
cimit: hehe iyach mit dah diapus2x in..
hmm bisa dibawa pulang apa engga yach.. hehe kuncinya sich di gw mit.. cuman kg enak ajah bawa pulang.. heheh lagian kg boleh sich harusnya.
test di real- world scenario yach ^_^ hehe gw kg punya 3G SIM Card neh kecuali gw bawa pulang SIM Cardnya juga. Tp after the whole day testing 3G application.. rada2x sick of it juga sich.. :).
parlin: hehe dah gw turn on tuh lin word verificationnya.
hehe pinginnya sich maen2x.. cuman deadlinenya amit2x.. gw ngecek email ajah jadi ga sempet nich.. hehe
Agustina Sadikin, at 5:38 PM
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