Complimentary Dinner
Hehe yesterday 7 of us had dinner at Long Beach Restaurant, IMM.
A very small group of VT-PHONE team. Yeah.. we managed to close this big project and this is just a good reward :).
We had 8 dishes consists of Fish Soup, Chili Crab, Some Veggie, Fish Head with Brocolli, Peking Duck, Rice Noodle, Duck with Onion, and Yam as dessert.

Overall the food is not bad. I felt very full. ^_^
The strange thing is the Duck with Onion comes at the very last moment, when all of us already feel very full and thought there is no more dishes will be served.
End up, 2 of my colleagues shared to take away almost the whole plate of duck.
A very small group of VT-PHONE team. Yeah.. we managed to close this big project and this is just a good reward :).
We had 8 dishes consists of Fish Soup, Chili Crab, Some Veggie, Fish Head with Brocolli, Peking Duck, Rice Noodle, Duck with Onion, and Yam as dessert.

Overall the food is not bad. I felt very full. ^_^
The strange thing is the Duck with Onion comes at the very last moment, when all of us already feel very full and thought there is no more dishes will be served.
End up, 2 of my colleagues shared to take away almost the whole plate of duck.
wah asik :D
Hendrik Christian, at 9:02 PM
hehe iyach free pula
gw jadi gain weight neh gara2x company gw :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:02 AM
hahaha..... bagus donk. kan elu mau gain weight kan? :p
Hendrik Christian, at 5:59 PM
wahhhh duck...sayang bener tuh...pasti uennnaaakkkk..jadi laper gue..waduh salah nih baca ttg makanan....hueeeeee...gue mau makan...
Parlin, at 9:38 AM
parlin : hehe mungkin enak kali yach.. cuman udah too full sich jadinya nobody wants to eat anymore..
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:10 AM
cimit: hehe iyach sich dulu pengen gain weight.. sekarang udah mao stop dech kyknya dah ampir cukup.. hehe
Agustina Sadikin, at 11:34 AM
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