Does Life Has Any Meaning
Does Life Has Any Meaning?
Have you ever found yourself asking that question? You are not alone. Sooner or later this question confront everyone.

Albert Einstein put it this way, "Our situation on this earth seems strange, everyone appears here involuntarily and invited for a short stay into this world without knowing why."
Some suggested that we are a product of a chance, life only happens but has no meaning.
But the Bible said that we are created in the image of God, so we will live a purposeful life, as a representative to this world.
Deep down, we sense that life has meaning, but finding it can be so difficult.
People search for meaning in different ways.
Some people search for meaning of life in materialsm, the bumper sticker said, "The one who die with most toys win."
Others search for meaning in accomplishments.
At the end of the day, they have enough to live on, but not enough to live for.
In John 10:10 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
We find meaning of life in relationship with God and others.
When we are in a good relationship with God, we come to a place where we can put our remote down because this is what we made for.
We are all going to die, each day we are going closer to the day of our death. But death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life with God.
The life that we live now is like an invesment to eternity. Bible said that after death comes judgement and evaluation of how we have lived. Each of us is given life and choices how we want to spend our lives. We can either chase after what this world has to offer and work to accumulate more stuffs or choose to invest in things of eternal significance.
When we see life in this perspective we will realise that each day has a meaning, not just for today but for eternity.
Have you ever found yourself asking that question? You are not alone. Sooner or later this question confront everyone.

Albert Einstein put it this way, "Our situation on this earth seems strange, everyone appears here involuntarily and invited for a short stay into this world without knowing why."
Some suggested that we are a product of a chance, life only happens but has no meaning.
But the Bible said that we are created in the image of God, so we will live a purposeful life, as a representative to this world.
Deep down, we sense that life has meaning, but finding it can be so difficult.
People search for meaning in different ways.
Some people search for meaning of life in materialsm, the bumper sticker said, "The one who die with most toys win."
Others search for meaning in accomplishments.
At the end of the day, they have enough to live on, but not enough to live for.
In John 10:10 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
We find meaning of life in relationship with God and others.
When we are in a good relationship with God, we come to a place where we can put our remote down because this is what we made for.
We are all going to die, each day we are going closer to the day of our death. But death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life with God.
The life that we live now is like an invesment to eternity. Bible said that after death comes judgement and evaluation of how we have lived. Each of us is given life and choices how we want to spend our lives. We can either chase after what this world has to offer and work to accumulate more stuffs or choose to invest in things of eternal significance.
When we see life in this perspective we will realise that each day has a meaning, not just for today but for eternity.
speechless, sangat bermakna dan terkagum2 titin skr bisa nulis yg in-depth begini :)
Hendrik Christian, at 4:43 PM
cimit : heheh makasih2x ..I wished I am..
benernya itu cuman summary dari apa yg gw denger dari one of preacher speech in a christian radio ^_^ kok mit, some of the words are quited from there.
I also think the speech is very good makanya gw provide summary dari apa yg gw dengerin and share it with everybody.
that's what a blog is for right2x?.
Agustina Sadikin, at 5:10 PM
Hehehe... Setuju ama Titin... =D
Sometime bingung aja what's the meaning of life? What's the goal of my life? Hmm... Not an easy question to answer...
But, I finally understand that the meaning of life is to EAT. =P Hahaha... Jk jk... I'm still looking the real meaning of life. =D Of course, we have to enjoy our ride. ;)
Anonymous, at 8:49 PM
bear : hehehehehe....
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:49 AM
I think this topic about the meaning of life will be discussed in "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?", KKR Pemuda dan Remaja,
23 Sept, 730 pm
24 Sept, 2 pm
@ True Way Presbyterian Church
Perhaps it can remind us what is really meaningful in life, if indeed such meaning exists.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
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