Should I or Shouldn't I
Everyday and everywhere, during the normal daily activities, I always encountered some circumstances that creates war inside my brain, "Should I or Shouldn't I?"
For eg. during my bus ride to office, a lady listened to their MP3 with volume set to very loud. Should I ask her to lower down the volume?
Well.. it's very interesting to see how other people react to this. Some people will start to stare at
her with 'that kind of look'. But nobody really dare to say it loudly in front of her to reduce the volume level of the music.
After this incident, I noticed that more and more people are actually having this habit. Some of them even listen to the music without using earphones.
Is it Asian norm to just keep quite to avoid any conflict? I believe that if it happens in other places, eg US, some people will just complain directly without any hesitance.
I wish I have a little bit of their thick face attitude in me sometimes.
So that I will have less 'Should I or shouldn't I' war inside my brain.

Happy working all..
For eg. during my bus ride to office, a lady listened to their MP3 with volume set to very loud. Should I ask her to lower down the volume?
Well.. it's very interesting to see how other people react to this. Some people will start to stare at
her with 'that kind of look'. But nobody really dare to say it loudly in front of her to reduce the volume level of the music.
After this incident, I noticed that more and more people are actually having this habit. Some of them even listen to the music without using earphones.
Is it Asian norm to just keep quite to avoid any conflict? I believe that if it happens in other places, eg US, some people will just complain directly without any hesitance.
I wish I have a little bit of their thick face attitude in me sometimes.
So that I will have less 'Should I or shouldn't I' war inside my brain.

Happy working all..
alo tin... I encountered a similar experience few days ago... when a person listen to the music loudly, he or she indirectly annoys the other passengers in the MRT.
What I encountered was more direct. The person was a rather black man, looks afro-american to me. and he was probably drunk. He was speaking loud to address 'his fellow singaporean' and sing the 'ole-ole' song for soccer, and says that singaporean should be proud... should not be in doubt... bla bla bla..
the MRT was quite crowded then, but no one approach him ( i was one car away ), but sure, a few smiles, a few feel irritated, a few ignorant. Nothing being done until the guy get off the mrt.
so.. should I? or shouldn't I? hehe
Suhandy Yao Wei Xuan, at 11:30 AM
hehe iyach so it's not only me :)..
tp tolerance level gw high sich.. jadinya biarpun separah apapun kyknya masih bisa ok..
btw.. loe punya blow toh.. baru tau..
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:09 PM
aku baru mulai blog sebulan lebih...
awalnya blog sehari sekali...
sekarang dah mulai eh.. kendor...
kurang ada waktu sih...
maunya bikin blog lain lagi yg khusus untuk belajar ini itu, eh.. malah buat ngeblog harian aja udah terlalu menyita waktu...
Suhandy Yao Wei Xuan, at 2:06 PM
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