Visa Approved
I just got my Visa :)...
Yayy..... so happy.
So this upcoming August, I better plan my financial carefully so I can have some money to be spent in Korea...
Well back to work everyone.
Yayy..... so happy.
So this upcoming August, I better plan my financial carefully so I can have some money to be spent in Korea...
Well back to work everyone.
Snifff... I wonder what that smell is?
Mmm, smells like a possibility of someone getting attached with a nice handsome korean guy...
Sarang hamnida :D
Chris, at 12:36 AM
Huhuhu... Parlin di Korea tuh Tin... Hehehe... Try to contact him aja =D
ericb34r, at 6:51 AM
pinky : hahaha... kalo korean guy.. hmm kalo kristen boleh sich ^_^.
just kidding.. kyknya engga dech. gw prefer indonesian biar bisa balik indo.
bear: iyach gw dah contact parlin tuh.. n dah dapet contact numbernya dia. Tp tempatnya dia jauh bgt tuh.. ke tempat yg gw kunjungi sekitar 7 jem-an.. too bad
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:52 AM
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