E-filing for Income Tax
I really don't know what happens with the e-filing system for income tax.
I have been trying to go to http://mytax.iras.gov.sg for almost 45 minutes.
But it always gives me this error and that error.
I hope the government will do something to it... gee.
I will try again tommorow...........
I have been trying to go to http://mytax.iras.gov.sg for almost 45 minutes.
But it always gives me this error and that error.
I hope the government will do something to it... gee.
I will try again tommorow...........
Kapan terakhir filingnya sih Tin, kok aku blom dapet suratnya buat filing...
Anonymous, at 2:18 AM
terakhir 15 April grace..
Kamu bklan dikirimin IRAS pin lewat mail.
Klo mao nanya telpon ajah 1800-356-8300 or 1800-252 5011.
Btw aku juga belon dapet surat buat filling grace. Yimmy en rav juga belon. Cuman dapet pin doang. Bisa ngisi lewat internet.
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:48 AM
pusink dah. gua kirain gua bisa tenang setelah back to singapore again, eh, baru nyampe, asen bilang, ud e-filing belon? deadline ud deket :S
another issue to settle, one after another. non-stop action of my life :D
as for the pwd, ga usah pake PIN, pake singpass kalo ada juga boleh kok. tadi gua udah coba masuk, bengong ga tau mo ngapain.
Hendrik Christian, at 11:10 PM
hehe iya2x bener bisa pake Singpass juga grace klo masih inget hehehe...
Gw masalahnya kg inget Singpass gw brp.
Jangan sampe telat tuh mit ngisinya.. otherwise bisa di fine brp persen gituh gw lupa.
Pertama gw juga bingung ngisinya gimana.. soalnya gw mesti collect dari 3 company nich.. trus yg 1 belon ngasih gw form IR8.
Gw udeh paiseh dech pengen minta. Lagian dulu gw quitenya abrupt bgt neh... Klo ngitung sendiri kg pake form IR8 bisa kg yach..
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:48 AM
tanpa form-nya seh bisa tin. kira2 ajah.
btw, loe kalo coba skr mestinya ud lancar kok.
Hendrik Christian, at 9:42 PM
iyach mit skrg udah bisa thanks..
dulu ga bisa tyt gara2x gw pake firefox..
Agustina Sadikin, at 1:13 PM
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