I've Been Busy
I've been very very busy this few days..
Work and work and workkkk..... :S
Gosh... I really need to take a break.
I wish I could hibernate like polar bear...
FYI in Singapore there is no public holiday in June and July.
Hmm we only had 10 public holidays in a year.
It's not even cover one public holiday per month.
Looking forward to holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......
Heheh it only took less than one minute to create this entry. My fastest record so far. :)
Happy working guys...
Work and work and workkkk..... :S
Gosh... I really need to take a break.
I wish I could hibernate like polar bear...
FYI in Singapore there is no public holiday in June and July.
Hmm we only had 10 public holidays in a year.
It's not even cover one public holiday per month.
Looking forward to holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......
Heheh it only took less than one minute to create this entry. My fastest record so far. :)
Happy working guys...
sounds like a complain tin?
Hendrik Christian, at 5:45 PM
heheh partially seh..
anyway cuman perlu take a break a while kok..
and hopefully I'll be back to my old self. tenks..
Agustina Sadikin, at 2:00 PM
hehehhe, iya nih, di singapore semuanya kiasu, bahkan public holiday pun kiasu...hahhaha..i miss the 3months holiday waktu di NTU...hiksssssssssss.....
Parlin, at 3:15 PM
Titin: Cia you!!! You can do it!!! =D
Parlin: Hehehe... Sekarang mana ada 3 months holiday Lin? Elo balik indo libur tambah banyak tuh. Hehehe... Indo kan public holidaynya bejibun man. Lebih drpd Singapore... =D
Anonymous, at 9:29 AM
parlin : heheh emang pas di NTU sampe 3 bulan yach? 2 bulan dech sptnya :). Iyach di indo kan liburnya bykkk asik dong.
bear : hihi makasih bear... i am OK now..
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:47 AM
Yeah singapore holiday is so few. Sob sob ... I miss all the my country agong's birthday, sultan's birthday, etc etc birthday public holiday .... here dun any agong and sultans sob sob....
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM
yimmy: hahahah ya loh.. but my country also dun have le.. heheh hopefully there will be a presidential election in sg my colleague said we'll have one day holiday.
Agustina Sadikin, at 2:52 PM
yes.. holiday holiday.. :D
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM
heheh iyach semoga ajah dech.. satu hari kan lumayan :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 7:01 PM
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