Great Singapore Sale
Heheh Great Singapore Sale..
Personally I don't know whether this is good or bad.
But Sale is always good... hihi I started to become kiasu.
Sale means temptation.
People tend to buy things that they don't really need, because the price become cheaper.
Seing all the 20% storewide, 50% sale everywhere in the city is just ... a great temptation...
Gosh just like yesterday.
After church I went to Plaza Singapore.
I went to Times Bookshop seing the 20% storewide from outside.
I almost rushed myself to buy books.. hihi..
They even have 35% discount for Dan Brown books and the discount is only for 2 days.
Hehe knowing that my friend has some of the books I finally decided not to buy anything.
The last time I bought books is during the Popular Sale at WestMall. They have 5% discount for 1-2 books, 50% for 3-9 books and 80% for 10 books and above.
At first I am thinking about buying 10 books wuah.. heheh but after going around the stand for more than 1 hours, I just couldn't find that many books to buy.. esp when the offer is only for old books.. so in the end I just grabbed 3 books and enjoy the 50% discount.
The 3 books are still on the shelf untouched.. :S.
So this time... I managed to control myself and not buying books anymore.
Btw if you really need to buy clothes, this is just a good time, as most of the stores offer quite a good offer U2, G2000, Marks and Spencer, John Little, Bossini, etc etc.
It's Great Singapore Sale guyss..
Personally I don't know whether this is good or bad.
But Sale is always good... hihi I started to become kiasu.
Sale means temptation.
People tend to buy things that they don't really need, because the price become cheaper.
Seing all the 20% storewide, 50% sale everywhere in the city is just ... a great temptation...
Gosh just like yesterday.
After church I went to Plaza Singapore.
I went to Times Bookshop seing the 20% storewide from outside.
I almost rushed myself to buy books.. hihi..
They even have 35% discount for Dan Brown books and the discount is only for 2 days.
Hehe knowing that my friend has some of the books I finally decided not to buy anything.
The last time I bought books is during the Popular Sale at WestMall. They have 5% discount for 1-2 books, 50% for 3-9 books and 80% for 10 books and above.
At first I am thinking about buying 10 books wuah.. heheh but after going around the stand for more than 1 hours, I just couldn't find that many books to buy.. esp when the offer is only for old books.. so in the end I just grabbed 3 books and enjoy the 50% discount.
The 3 books are still on the shelf untouched.. :S.
So this time... I managed to control myself and not buying books anymore.
Btw if you really need to buy clothes, this is just a good time, as most of the stores offer quite a good offer U2, G2000, Marks and Spencer, John Little, Bossini, etc etc.
It's Great Singapore Sale guyss..
sulit kalo cw ud ngeliat tulisan "Sale" -_-!
Hendrik Christian, at 1:52 PM
bukan cuman ce doang kok mit..
co juga kan? masa sich kaga...
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:00 PM
kaga tuh. cowo beli barang mah, sale ga sale tetep beli, kalo emang ud mau seh.
kata orang seh, kalo Value = Item / Price, cowo liatnya yg atas, cw liatnya yg bawah, hehehe...
hasilnya, kalo cowo, asal item-nya ok, ga terlalu peduli ama price.
kalo cw? asal pricenya ok, ga peduli barangnya pake ga pake, beli juga :p
Hendrik Christian, at 1:29 PM
heheh gitu toh.. i see i i know what the guys are thinking when they are buying such an expensive stuff.. ^_^
benernya mit ce not only buying because the price is cheap.. but sometimes for future juga.. klo in the future gw bklan use it.. so why not? even if i don't use it now :).
Agustina Sadikin, at 1:50 PM
cici, kalo bukunya ga dibaca, pinjemin aku aja :)
lumayan buat aku iseng2 neeh... boring kalo gada bacaan
aku mw beli harpot neeh, tapi masih mikir2, soalnya mahalllll
harganya 225000 tapi udah diskon 20% jadi 179000.dibayar 2x. pas awal mesen n pas ngambil barang br lunasin...
beli ga ya???? bingung.... sayang duit juga sih.. tapi pengen.....
Anonymous, at 1:00 AM
hahah dasar yana..
jgn kuatir.. entar klo aku balik indo aku transfer semua dech bukunya..
gile mahal amat harry potter di indo..
klo baru di sini juga mahal sich..
tapi tunggu bentaran juga harganya bakalan turun..
mo aku beliin di sini aja ga?
tp in English :).
Dulu yg Harry Potter and the order of phoenix yg pake hard cover pernah dijual 8 dolar doang di Borders. Ampir aku beli.. tp kamu dah punya sich.. jadi ga jadi dech
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:48 PM
eh cici, yang di indo ini yang harganya 179 ini juga inggris kali... yang bahasa indo pasti si lebih murah, tapi munculnya setaon lagi..... lagian bagusan yang bahasa inggris deh daripada yang indo.. tapi kata adit mendingan tunggu yang bahasa indo aja.. lebih mudah dan murah katanya hehehhehe
aku jadi bingung...
Anonymous, at 12:15 AM
yan.. aku beliin di sini ajah dech..
tp mesti tunggu aku balik indo hehehehe.. kelamaan yach..
tp di sini klo baru mahal le sekitar 40 dolaran sama ajah boong dech
btw klo kirim comment pake other yach yan trus tulis namamu kyk biasa itu loh...
untung yg manggil cici cuman kamu doang :).
hehehe jadinya ketauan dech biar anonymous sekalipun...
hihih..... kangennnnnnnn.....
Agustina Sadikin, at 1:33 PM
iya, aku udah tulis koq namaku, cuma kadang2 suka ngaco, jadi ga muncul. yang kemaren muncul kan....
kalo 40 dolar mah sama aja mahalnya.. lebih mahal malah... ya sudahlah, nanti aku pikir 1000 kali dulu baru beli, soalnya sayang juga duitnya hehehhe
yang comment selalu aku koq... aku lagi harus sering email ke orang nih, jadi aku visit kamu deh.. eh ci, aku mw ke padang tanggal 10 juli... mw oleh2 apa??? hehehehhe
Anonymous, at 12:55 AM
heheh asiknya.. aku belon pernah ke padang.. ketemu bu rosa dong..
ga usah nitip apa2x dech lagian aku ga tau kapan bakalan balik indo.
ya udah baek2x dech.
klo mao haryy potter jgn beli pas keluar tunggu 2-3 bulan ajah mao ga? harganya dijamin bklan turun yan
Agustina Sadikin, at 10:00 AM
yah, aku sih mw aja kalo disuruh nunggu cuma beberapa bulan... tapi pastinya harus kamu yang beliin, soalnya, disini, harganya ga bakalan turun. pastinya tetep terus, paling ngga mesti nunggu bertaon2 hehehehhe
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM
ok dech seep aku yg beliin..
aku mungkin balik bulan november.
doain ajah semoga pas itu harganya udah turun..
btw pas nulis comment, pas disuruh select identity pilih yg Other. Trus entar di Name tulis yana.. gitu okok? :)
Agustina Sadikin, at 9:49 AM
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