Life is The Matter of Choice
When a person turns to wrong
Is it a want to be, belong?
Part of things at any cost
At what price a life is lost
At what point do we begin
Fighter spirit a will to win
But what makes a man decide
Take the wrong or righteous road
There's a thin line between love and hate
Wider divide than you can see between good and bad
There's a grey place between black and white
But everyone does have the right to choose the path that he takes
I think life is the matter of choice.
Well, God created human in a wonderful way and give them the freedom of choice.
To take the right choice is the most difficult things.
Whether we want or not, there will be a time in our life where we are forced to make a choice.
This way or that way.
Go or not go.
Studying or working.
Buy or not buy.
Love or hate.
Happy or sad.
God and evil.
Studying or playing ^_^.
When I have to make a choice, sometimes I am not being wise. I tend to choose something that create happiness at that moment. For eg, instead of studying, I prefer watcing TV or do other things. Choosing the wrong things may create some regrets in the future.

I have been wondering what will happen if Adam and Eve choose not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Is it a want to be, belong?
Part of things at any cost
At what price a life is lost
At what point do we begin
Fighter spirit a will to win
But what makes a man decide
Take the wrong or righteous road
There's a thin line between love and hate
Wider divide than you can see between good and bad
There's a grey place between black and white
But everyone does have the right to choose the path that he takes
I think life is the matter of choice.
Well, God created human in a wonderful way and give them the freedom of choice.
To take the right choice is the most difficult things.
Whether we want or not, there will be a time in our life where we are forced to make a choice.
This way or that way.
Go or not go.
Studying or working.
Buy or not buy.
Love or hate.
Happy or sad.
God and evil.
Studying or playing ^_^.
When I have to make a choice, sometimes I am not being wise. I tend to choose something that create happiness at that moment. For eg, instead of studying, I prefer watcing TV or do other things. Choosing the wrong things may create some regrets in the future.

I have been wondering what will happen if Adam and Eve choose not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
gue setuju dgn titin, TUhan kasih kita freedom of will. kayak bukunya max lucado bilang (kl gk salah), Tuhan itu punya satu gambaran hidup buat kita, tapi kita gk langsunga dikasih liat semuanya, tapi pieces by pieces, nah the amazing thingnya itu, Tuhan bukan cm kasih liat but He also give us a pencil for us to draw our own picture of life. But you know what, we tend to struggle to draw a beautiful picture for ourself, tapi padahal, we can just see what God has drawn for us and that picture is much more beautiful than what we could even saw, heard or even thought....;)
Parlin, at 9:03 AM
"what will happen if Adam and Eve choose not to eat the fruit"
I've been wondering that too. If that happened, guys will not have Adam's apple :)
Unknown, at 11:28 AM
heheh iyach lin..nich namanya juga manusia... keep struggling to draw a beautiful picture for ourself..
mungkin kita mesti fully trust on God yach.. just believe that God knows best.
Agustina Sadikin, at 12:37 PM
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