Monday, August 28, 2006

So Young

And it really doesn't matter that we don't eat
And it really doesn't matter if we never sleep
No it really doesn't matter, really doesn't matter at all

Coz we are so young now, we are so young, so young now
And when tommorow comes, we can do it all again

We are chasin' the moon
Just running wild and free
We are following through
Every dream and every need

(So Young - The Corrs)

I feel so sleepy and tired. This week I have to work through the weekend. Friday until 10 PM, Saturday and Sunday. Yeahhhhh...
Trying to relax a little bit today..

I know I am still young :) but I need to take a rest too .. ^^.
And it does matter if I never sleep..
And it does matter if I don't eat.

Okayyyy!!!! Enjoy your work everyone..
And sorry for not updating my blog often.

Monday, August 21, 2006

A Story To Share

Sorry udah lama ga update..
Gini2x.. minggu ini gw udah mulai ada Work and Life Balance.. (Itu karena minggu ini bener2x free dari price list publication cycle..) ^_^..

Akhir2x gw mulai ngerasa not motivated in doing my works..
I personally think, the motivation drive should come from myself as well.
At the moment, trying to give thanks to God for everything.

Jadi inget sama 1 cerita yg gw watch di salah satu Taiwan drama..
Ceritanya nich lagi di ruang operasi.. dokter kepalanya tiba2x ceritain story ke perawat2x dan dokter2x lain yg lagi operasi pasien bareng dia:

"Jaman dahulu kala.. ada 1 orang namanya Angel. Dia tuh punya satu kebiasaan aneh.. dia tuh bklan merasa happy klo orang laen happy.. makanya tuh kerjaan dia tuh setiap hari ngebantuin orang2x supaya jadi happy.

OK.. ceritanya ada 1 orang.. namanya siapa yach lupa.. let's make it Peter.. Si Peter is unhappy.. jadinya dia ketemu sama Angel trus cerita2x.. tanya gimana cara bikin dia happy. Dia tuh udah kaya, punya rumah bagus, karir, basically everything that a man want. But he is still no happy.."

Nah.. trus dokter itu tanya ke dokter2x n perawat 2x laen di ruang operasi.. "Do you know what the Angel give Peter?"

Trus ada yg 1 perawat yg tanya.. gimana klo si Angel kasih Peter a better wife. Eh ternyata Peter itu udah punya a very good wife. So, that's out of options.
Ok.. akhirnya semua dokter n perawat udah nyerah.

Si dokter akhirnya kasih jawabannya ,"Nothing". The Angel gave Peter nothing.
Instead.. she took everything from Peter.
Bener2x semuanya.. kerjaannya, istrinya, anaknya, rumahnya (kyk cerita Ayub).
Nah trus.. 3 minggu kemudian dia balik ketemu sama Peter.. He looked very devastated and frustated.
And then she gave everything back to Peter.
Then Peter realised how he should be thankful and happy for everything that he has.
He said, she has made him the happiest man on earth.

So, moral of the story.. : Kadang2x kita tuh suka ga puas dengan apa yang kita punya dan kurang mensyukuri berkat yang udah dikasih ama Tuhan.
Nah kalo tiba2x kita kehilangan itu semua.. baru dech kita nyadar kalo kita tuh sangat beruntung. You never know what you've got till it's gone.