Monday, April 30, 2007

Another Overtime

Yeap.. here I am at APOC Office..
It's Monday April 30,2007 8:32PM.
And tommorow is public holiday (Labour day).

I wish I could go home now. But I am still waiting for May price list from Global pricing team in US. And you are right, we have 13 hours difference. So it means, 8 PM Singapore time = 7 AM US(Fargo) time. So at least I have to wait until 10 PM. Plus all the QC and localization that need to be done, hopefully I can leave office by midnite...

I wish the US side is more responsible. I do feel that sometimes it's a disadvantage of being Asian, that we are so hardworking and responsible.

Well, I better stop complaining and be thankful.

Thank God today I remember to buy dinner from Food barn. I buy the Vegetarian wrap and 3 packets of Kettle chips. Yeap.. the total cost is SGD 9.3. I can claim up to 10 dolars for diner fyi.

Ok time to go back to work.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Indo ohh Indo

Gw baru balik dari Indo setelah 1 tahun tidak pulang..

Dunno why, everytime I come back to Singapore from Indo, either kena insomnia or lost appetite. Gosh, ini mungkin gara2x keenakan di Indo.. tiap hari kerjaannya cuman tidur, makan, jalan2x.. Sekarang back to reality. Ngecekin email yg sejublek gara2x seminggu lebih ga pernah dibaca :).

Skrg mulai bingung.. apakah gw masih mao tinggal di Indo, stlh sekian lama tinggal di Singapore. Well.. I hope this is normal. After getting used to the living environment in Singapore that is clean, almost no traffic jam, good public transportation, low criminal rate, kalo mesti pindah ke Indo kyknya mesti beradaptasi lagi ama lingkungannya.

Sometimes gw sedih kalo ngeliat Indo... knp yach tiap tahun criminal rate nya makin tinggi... trus sepertinya bencana alam ga berhenti2x... Mulai dari lumpur panasnya Lapindo yg sampe sekarang ga selesai2x, trus bom2x an, trus pesawat Garuda yg jatoh, Adam Air yg menghilang, banjir dsb.

Keeping my beloved country in prayer.
Hope Indo will have a good government who cares more about the people than trying to make themselves richer.

Happy working.