Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Meet My Uncle

Hehehe this is another version of Meet My Parents, Meet My Wife, etc.

Today I am taking half day leave. I 'll be meeting my uncle and his family tonight at Orchard.
My uncle and his family are staying in Singapore for 2 days. They will go back to US on Thursday.

I left office around 2 pm. First stop is the new National Library Board building beside Bras Basah Complex. I finally got my Kinokuniya $20 voucher from .. NLB ^_^. Yipee.. I can't wait to buy books.

After that, I walked to Seiyu, Parco Bugis Junction thinking of buying something for my cousins that I haven't met for 6 years. Feeling confused, I end up bought Korean chocolate at box-of-chocolate. I definitely had no idea about the taste. But the packaging is very cute and attractive. :)

I met my other cousins, Linda and Erlin, in front of Borders around 6 pm then we proceed to Orchard Parade Hotel where my uncle stays.

My uncle and his wife still look the same with the last time I met them. But my cousins, they definitely grow very fast.. hahah.. and the sad thing is they can hardly speak Indonesian anymore.

We had dinner at Kitchen Jade Palace. The food is great... but the price is quite expensive..
It's been a longggg time since our last dinner together...
Dinner started with thanksgiving prayer by my aunt..
I definitely surprised that they are a very devoted Christian family.

Hihihi my uncle actually first met my aunt at Bible study for international student back in Oregon University. Since then they always study together at library..
After dinner we went shopping for a while and then went back to hotel.

I arrived home around 11 pm.
After taking a bath, Yimmy, Ravindi and I had otak-otak from my uncle.
We managed to eat all of them in just 30 minutes.. ^_^.

Monday, July 18, 2005

What Does Your Birthdate Means

Here I am at office nothing to do.... ^_^

Your Birthdate: August 12
Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.
The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.
There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.
Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.
You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.
Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.
You are affectionate and loving - but very sensitive.
You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

You've Got To Find What You Love

"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Some people really hate their jobs, wondering everyday whether they should quit, whether they should try other fields and so on and so on...

I know that feeling because I have been there too.
The time when I woke up in the morning and didn't feel like getting up :S.
Feeling trapped at work and wanted the day to end as soon as possible.

For those people out there who hate their jobs... and think about changing fields..
Hehhe don't give up !!!!
Keep trying.. till you find what you want and proud of it.

And for those who like your jobs and enjoy every moment of it, be thankful to God.. ^_^ you are a few of the luckiest person in the world.

Recently I read the speech of Steve Jobs during commencement of Stanford University delivered on 14 June 2005.

I used to had a 'not so good impression' about Steve Jobs, especially after watching Pirate of Silicon Valley a few years back in Indonesia.

But reading this speech has slightly changed my perception about him ^_^.
And I think it's one of the interesting speeches I've ever read.

This is a byte of his speech:
You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

For those who doesn't know Steve Jobs, he is the CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios. The smart guy behind Macintosh, iPod and many animation movies such as The Incredibles and Finding Nemo.
Apple-logo pixar
Click here to see the full text of commencement.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Atmosphere of Life

Well,,this is a good story to learnt from.

Sore itu disebuah subway di kota New York,
suasana cukup sepi.
Kereta api bawah tanah itu cukup padat
oleh orang-orang yang baru pulang kerja.


Tiba-tiba, suara hening terganggu
oleh ulah dua orang bocah kecil berumur sekitar 3 dan
5 tahun yang berlarian kesana kemari.
Mereka berdua mulai mengganggu penumpang lain.
Yang kecil mulai menarik-narik koran yang
sedang dibaca oleh seorang penumpang, kadang
merebut pena ataupun buku penumpang yang lain.

Si kakak sengaja berlari dan menabrak kaki
beberapa penumpang yang berdiri menggantung
karena penuhnya gerbong itu. Beberapa penumpang
mulai terganggu oleh ulah kedua bocah nakal itu,
dan beberapa orang mulai menegur bapak dari kedua
anak tersebut.
"Pak, tolong dong anaknya dijaga!"
pinta salah seorang penumpang.
Bapak kedua anak itu memanggil dan menenangkannya.
Suasana kembali hening, dan kedua anak itu duduk diam.

Tak lama kemudian, keduanya mulai bertingkah
seperti semula, bahkan semakin nakal. Apabila
sekali diusilin masih diam saja, kedua anak itu
makin berani. Bahkan ada yang korannya sedang
dibaca, langsung saja ditarik dan dibawa lari.
Bila si-empunya koran tidak bereaksi, koran itu
mulai dirobek-robek dan diinjak-injak.

Beberapa penumpang mulai menegur sang ayah lagi dengan
nada mulai kesal. Mereka benar-benar merasa
terganggu, apalagi suasana pulang kerja, mereka
masih sangat lelah. Sang ayah memanggil kembali
kedua anaknya, dan keduanya mulai diam lagi. Tapi
hal itu tidak berlangsung lama.

Si anak mulai membuat ulah yang semakin membuat para penumpang
di gerbong bawah tanah itu mulai marah.

Beberapa penumpang mulai memarahi sang ayah dan
membentak."Pak, bisa mendidik anak tidak sich!"
kata seorang penumpang dengan geram."Dari tadi
anaknya mengganggu semua orang disini,
tapi bapak koq diam saja".

Sang ayah bangkit dari duduknya, menghampiri kedua anaknya yang
masih mungil, menenangkannya,dan dengan sangat
sopan berdiri dan berkata kepada para penumpang
yang ada di gerbong itu.
"Bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu semua, mohon maaf atas
kelakuan kedua anak saya ini. Tidak biasanya
mereka berdua bertingkah nakal seperti saat ini.
Tadi pagi, kedua anak saya ini baru saja
ditinggal oleh ibu mereka yang sangat mereka
cintai. Ibu kedua anak saya ini meninggal karena
penyakit LEUKEMIA yang dideritanya".

Bapak itu diam sejenak.... , dan sambil mengelus
kepala kedua anaknya meneruskan ceritanya.
"Mungkin karena kejadian yang menimpa ibu mereka
berdua itu begitu mendadak, membuat kedua anak
saya ini belum bisa menerima kenyataan dan
agak sedikit shock karenanya. Sekali lagi saya
mohon maaf".

Seluruh orang didalam gerbong
kereta api bawah tanah itu seketika terdiam.
Mereka dengan tiba-tiba berubah total, dari
memandang dengan perasaan kesal karena
kenakalannya, berubah menjadi perasaan iba dan
sayang. Kedua anak itu masih tetap nakal,
mengganggu seluruh penumpang yang ditemuinya.
Tetapi, orang yang diganggu malah kelihatan
tambah menampakkan kasih sayangnya. Ada yang
memberinya coklat, bahkan ada yang menemaninya


Tetapi terjadi perubahan yang sangat mencolok.


Begitu pentingnya sebuah INFORMASI KECIL...
bisa merubah semua 'ATMOSPHERE' lingkungan kita.

Seringkali kita salah paham
dengan teman/sahabat kita, karena kita tidak
mengetahui sebuah INFORMASI KECIL tsb...
dan hal tersebut akan membuat 'ATMOSPHERE' yang
buruk dengan teman kita, mungkin kita pernah
berprasangka buruk pada teman kita...
karena kita tidak mengetahui INFORMASI YANG
SEBENARNYA!! That's is the POINT !!!

"The Truth Is Out There, You Have To Find
It..'coz The The Truth Can Change The Atmosphere
of Life"

I put this story here as a reminder for myself as well.
Sometimes in life I tend to judge someone before even finding out what was happening in his/her life. Before finding out that small little important information about his/her.
And most of the time, after knowing the truth, my perception and attitude will change just like the New York subway passenger.

So, from today onwards, be more considerate... and be kind , for everyone you meet might be fighting a harder battle.
God bless.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Dinner At Millenia Walk

Yesterday 11 of us had dinner at BAB Noodle, Millenia Walk to celebrate Emmy's birthday.

The food is ok... and the price is quite reasonable. I had Beef Teriyaki Set with lime juice.
The service is very good.. and the good news is there is no service charge.

Arrived home around 11.15 pm.

I don't feel like waking up this morning... ^_^.
Especially with the nice weather, breeze of wind, gloomy sky....

Hehehe.. anyway, I managed to wake up and became the first Engineer arrived at office today.
Need to get back to work..
Good morning and happy working everyone..

Monday, July 11, 2005

Those Secret Signals

Hehe got this from Ravindi..
From the Mirror Magazine of Sunday Times SL ^_^
Well, this is just an article and I am only posting it..

Those secret signals
By Tracey Cox

Statistics differ but most experts say it takes us between 90 seconds and four minutes to decide if we fancy someone - and as much as we'd like to think it all rests on that witty one-liner, it doesn't.
55% of the message we get from someone comes through our body language, 38% is from the tone, speed and inflection of our voice and a pathetic 7% is from what we're actually saying!

This doesn't mean you can get away with droning on about your passion for snails and collection of Mongolian one-winged butterflies forever (content is crucial later) but it does mean you need to get the body language right straight away or they won't bother to stick around to find out how fascinating you are.

If you're not feeling horribly self-conscious by now, you should be. To make you completely paranoid, here's another frightening thought: before you've even spoken to the person you've got your eye on, the way you've walked and stood is more than 80% of their first impression of you!

We make what seems like outrageous snap judgements about people but the fact is, almost every facet of our personality is evident from our appearance, posture and the way we move.

So, how do we tell if our body is sending the right signals - and (more importantly) how to read theirs? Let your body do the talking (and the flirting) by learning to recognise...
The 5 Secret Signals that someone is flirting with you

1. The flirting triangle
When we look at people we're not close to (in a business situation for instance), our eyes make a zig-zag motion: we look from eye to eye and across the bridge of the nose.
With friends, the look drops below eye level and moves into a triangle shape: we look from eye to eye but also look down to include the nose and mouth.

Once we start flirting, the triangle gets even bigger - it widens at the bottom to include their good bits (like the body). The more intense the flirting, the more intensely we'll look from one eye to eye - and the more time we'll spend looking at their mouth.

If someone is watching your mouth while you're talking to them, you can't help but think I wonder if they're imagining what it would be like to kiss me. Which is usually exactly what they are thinking, if they're looking intently at your mouth!

2. Mirroring
This is what separates a good flirt from a great flirt: nothing will bond you more instantly or effectively than mirroring someone's behaviour. This simply means you do whatever it is they do. If they lean forward to tell you something intimate, you lean in to meet them. If they sit back to take a sip of their drink and look you in the eye, you take a sip of your drink and do the same. They sit with their chin cupped in their hands, so do you.
The theory behind mirroring is that we like people who are like us. If someone is doing what we're doing, we feel they're on the same level as us and in the same mood as we are. Two no-no's with this one though: first up, only mirror positive body language; secondly, capture the spirit rather than imitating them like a chimpanzee at the zoo. As a general rule, wait around 50 seconds before following their gestures.)

3. The eyebrow flash
When we first see someone we're attracted to, our eyebrows rise and fall. If they fancy us back, they raise their eyebrows in return. Never noticed? It's not surprising since the whole thing lasts about a fifth of a second! We're not consciously aware of doing it, but it's a gesture that is duplicated by every culture on earth. In fact, some experts claim it's the most instantly recognised non-verbal sign of friendly greeting in the world.
The trick is to watch for it when you meet someone new you fancy. Even better, tell them you're interested on a subconscious level by extending your eyebrow flash for up to one second - deliberately raise them while catching their eye for full impact.

4. Pointing
Sneak a peek at what their feet and hands are doing - we tend to point toward the person we're interested in. If we find someone attractive, we'll often point at them subconsciously with our hands, arms, feet, legs, toes.
Again, it's an unconscious indicator to make our intentions known. Unconsciously, this is often picked up by the other person, without them really knowing why.
So if you've got your eye on the hunk/hunkette in the corner, point your body in their direction - even if you don't make eye contact, they'll get the hint you're interested.

5. Blinking
If someone likes what they see, their pupil size increases and so does their blink rate. If you want to up the odds in your favour, try increasing the blink rate of the person you're talking to, by blinking more yourself. If the person likes you, they'll unconsciously try to match your blink rate to keep in sync with you, which in turn, makes you both feel more attracted to each other!
Now, one final word before you go rushing off to practise all this. Before you go, you must understand...

The golden rule of body language
Don't ever judge on one thing alone. Sitting with your arms crossed often means you're protecting yourself emotionally and shutting out the other person. But it might also mean you're freezing cold, you're having a fat day or just spilt coffee all over your top!

Don't jump to conclusions, instead look for clusters of behaviour.
If someone has their arms crossed and they're frowning and leaning backward to create as much space between you as possible and their lips are pursed disapprovingly, it's a fairly safe bet they are on the defensive.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Break Away

Grew up in a small town,
And when the rain would fall down,
I'd just stare out my window.
Dreaming of what could be,
And if I'd end up happy,
I would pray.

Trying hard to reach out,
But when I tried to speak out,
Felt like no-one could hear me.
Wanted to belong here,
But something felt so wrong here.
So I'd pray,
I could break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Wanna feel the warm breeze,
Sleep under a palm tree,
Feel the rush of the ocean,
Get onboard a fast train,
Travel on a jetplane,
Faraway, and break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Buildings with a 100 floors,
Swinging around revolving doors,
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me.
But I gotta keep moving on moving on,
Fly away, break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
Though its not easy to tell you goodbye.
Gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget the place I come from. I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Break away, break away

Break Away - Kelly Clarkson

It definitely takes a lots of courage to break away...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Life is The Matter of Choice

When a person turns to wrong
Is it a want to be, belong?
Part of things at any cost
At what price a life is lost

At what point do we begin
Fighter spirit a will to win
But what makes a man decide
Take the wrong or righteous road

There's a thin line between love and hate
Wider divide than you can see between good and bad
There's a grey place between black and white
But everyone does have the right to choose the path that he takes


I think life is the matter of choice.
Well, God created human in a wonderful way and give them the freedom of choice.
To take the right choice is the most difficult things.

Whether we want or not, there will be a time in our life where we are forced to make a choice.

This way or that way.
Go or not go.
Studying or working.
Buy or not buy.
Love or hate.
Happy or sad.
God and evil.
Studying or playing ^_^.

When I have to make a choice, sometimes I am not being wise. I tend to choose something that create happiness at that moment. For eg, instead of studying, I prefer watcing TV or do other things. Choosing the wrong things may create some regrets in the future.

I have been wondering what will happen if Adam and Eve choose not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.