Friday, February 29, 2008

Undesirable Event

As the words said, Undesirable Event, it's something that we don't want it to happen, but it happens anyway.

Do you have an experience where things that you don't want to happen actually happens when you don't want it to happen the most.

For e.g you get an ugly pimple just before your first date, or you fall sick just before a performance whereby you have practiced so many hours for it.
So here what happen.
My company is going to have a morale event next Monday. Exciting event that I have been waiting for. No spoiler as to where and what we are going to do. I am one of the organizers. But the activities and place of the event is still confidential to the rest of the team.


Upon checking my email a few minutes ago, I found that suddenly so many problems and 'things to do' came up in just a few hours of so called "not working aka staying at home and sleep because of flu".

Gee.. now I am just wondering how many people are able to join the morale event tomorrow. As some issues involving about half of the team.
I keep my finger crossed.

Morale of the story : unless it's a die die situation don't check your company email on weekend, and especially when you are not feeling well and coughing and having running nose.

The Leap Years

This is one of the post that I created with misleading title.
Today is 29th Feb. Well.. one special day that only happens once in 4 year. And today is my price list publication day (last working day of the month), that's why I die die go to office today in the mids of my "not so well" feeling.

Today I am officially sick aka not feeling well :( . I feel a slight headache when I am typing the sentence in my monitor.

I got running nose and a little bit cough uhuk..uhuk..and sore throat. Planning to give all the instruction to my colleague to do the price list publication and go home during lunch.
Most probably I will just sleep through the weekend. I hope I will get better before Monday. Keep my finger cross.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Passion and Purity

I am half way reading Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot (with foreword from Joshua Harris). And I really don't know whether I should be happy or sad with my current situation.

Being blunt and honest, I am not the person who like to wait.

Some people is willing to queue for hours just to get donut. I really can't imagine doing such thing. In food court I always choose the stall with the shortest queue cos I hate queueing.

I guess be patience and wait for other things in life may be good for me.
God's timing is the best.

Well, it seems I started to rumble around my blog. I don't even give you guys any clue on what the book is about.
I better stop now and start doing my job. I will try to give some review when I have finished reading it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lesson Learnt from The Last Lecture

In my live, some of the most the precious lessons comes from the one who is on the edge of death.
If you have read Tuesdays with Morries, then you'll know.

Another inspiring lessons came from Randy Pausch.
Who is he?

Randy Pausch is a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In September 2006, he was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer. He pursued cancer treatment that included major surgery and experimental chemotherapy; however in August of 2007 he was told that the cancer had metastasized to his liver and spleen. He then started palliative chemotherapy intended to extend his life as long as possible, which was then estimated to be three to six months. He remains vigorous and active six months later (February 2008.)

On the last lecture to his students he taught them about LIVE, How to live your life. If you live your life to the fullest, the dream will come to you.

Followings are the link to the video :
Click on the second clip for his full lecture in Oprah. His last lecture has been downloaded by millions of people.

Some of the lessons that I learned from his lecture :

1.Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
Well.. that's very true, sometimes we thought that we are a loser when we don't get what we wanted. But if we see this from a different perspective, we actually gained lots of experience out of it.

2.When you have done a bad job and nobody let you know it, it means they have given up on you. So friends the next time you heard someone giving you comments on the bad job that you have done, it means they still care about you.

3. The importance of people vs things. Remember that for any ocassion, people has to be put first, things comes later.

4.Work and play with others. Remember that if we wait long enough, people will show their good side. So you can't hurry people, but you can be patience.

5.Last but not least. Don't complain just work harder. ^_^
Watch the entire video and you know what I mean.
Happy working everyone.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day whether you are single, attached or married.

If you ask me whether Valentine's day is a significant day for me.

Well.. the answer is not yet. It's just another Thursday for now ^_^.

Remember to love the one you're with this Valentine's day.
And most important of all Remember that God loves you :).

I Cor 13:13 And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Love The One You're With Lyrics

There's a Rose
In a fisted Glove
And the eagle flies with the dove
And if you can't be with the one you love
It's alright

Go ahead and love the one, love the one, love the one your with
Love the one, love the one, love the one your with
If your guy can't come to you
And you don't remember who your talking to
Your concentration slips away
Because your baby, she is so so far away
Chorus: And there's a rose in a fisted glove
And the eagle flies with the dove
And if you cant be with the one you love
Love the one your with
Don't be angry
Don't be sad
Don't sit cryin' for good times you had
There's a girl right next to you
And she's waiting for something to do

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What God Wants Me to Do with My Life??

How can I know what God wants me to do with my life?
This is the question that always comes to my mind.
And right now, I am still asking God, what does He want me to do.
Well.. it's a tough question, most of you will agree with me.

Sometimes I want to say, "Gosh I can't read Your mind."
Well.. you have a bible He would say.

The answer from Explore faith help me to better understand this.

God casts the responsibility on us to choose that which is best for us. These choices come inevitably from the judgments we make about what reflects our highest selves.

Scripture says that everything is summed up in the commandment that we love God first, above all else, and that we love other people as we love ourselves. Do that and you fulfill all of God's requirements (Matthew 36:37-40).

So, put God first in our lives. Wherever we are (working or studying) we can show love and kindness to others just like God has first loved us.

Have a blessed day.

Thank God for Friends

Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Trusting Him

Not sure why I keep getting headache which come and goes without any warning.
My colleague said I think too much.
That's true, sometimes my mind just can't stop thinking even when I want to. Brain overwork.

I am a stubborn girl sometimes. I believe in myself more than He who created me.
Sometimes I feel that I don't trust Him enough to guide me in each steps of my life. From now onwards I am going to trusting Him in everything I do. Trusting that He will provide everything for me. Trusting my life into His hands for He is the loving God and my best friend.

Cast all your care to him: for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7