Hiks lagi stress
Mulai sekarang blognya pake bahasa indo aja dech soalnya lagi males mikir..
Ga tau knp nich company setelah merger makin lama makin bikin pusing.
Pertama installer.. sekarang license server..
Mesti dibikin pake XML Post yg gw kg ngerti ama skali... hix2x mana cuman dikasih limited time.
InstallShield ajah belon kelar skrg dah muncul masalah baru..
Duh kok jadi sounds so pessimistic... ciayooo.. must not give up Titin..!
Jadi jerawatan dech gara2x stress ini huaaa..
Ok update about the world today.
Tsunami has hit most Asian countries, esp Indonesia (Aceh), Sri Langka, India, Thailand and Malaysia.
The tsunami was caused by a 9 Richter scale earth quake in Indian Ocean, in North Sumatra.
The news said that this is the 4th biggest earthquake in this century. The biggest is 9.2 which hit Alaska.
It seems life is very fragile. Anything could happen at any time.
During the lunch,my boss shared some wisdom words:
He said, you must live your life to the fullest and cherish every moment.
During your teenage day 17- mid 20's you'll have the time, the strength but you don't have money..(quite true although I don't have time as well heheh).
During your mid 30-40 you'll have both strength and money, but you don't have time.
During your old day you'll have time and money but you don't have strength.
Therefore you have to balance these three things..
Quite true I think life is too short to be wasted.
May be I should just enjoy every moment of my life and do my best.. hehe
Btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mum... :)
Semoga panjang umur, sukses selalu. Thanks for everything.
Wish you all the best in everything you do. Love you...
Quotes of the day: Your future depends on what you do in the present..