Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lunch at Cafe Terrace

Today I went to Raffles Town Club for lunch.

Hehehe actually today I've been busy with all the projects. Especially with the Clear Case which always gives me problem everytime I upload my new source code.

Leaving the Clear Case problem behind, 5 of us went to Raffles Town Club.


The club is not bad. The member fee is very expensive, my boss said last time he paid around 20 K when he first joined. I guess this is the average cost of club membership in Singapore. Gosh.

We had a brief lunch at The Cafe and Terrace. I and Lillian had Indo Nasi Goreng. My other colleagues had Chicken Rice and Fish and Chips. Wisline, our Adminstration Officer had the buffet. The price is not as expensive as I tought. And the food is not bad. The nasi goreng comes with satay, egg, pickles and prawn cracker. Hehehe the taste is almost like the nasi goreng in indo.

Another good thing is, it was a treat from my boss.. ^_^

Bill Gates Live

Heheh for those of you who is the fans of Bill Gates (those Computer Engineering student out there ^_^), there is a good news.
Bill Gates is coming to Singapore and the registration is free...

Details here


Monday, May 30, 2005

Time Really Flies

Time really flies..

Kenapa yach.. rasanya waktu tuh jalannya cepetttt bgt...
Apalagi kalo weekend ^_^ heheheh...

It seems just yesterday I graduated from NTU. During my graduation my mum said,"It seems you are just graduate from kindergarten yesterday. Time really flies.. " Hehehhe of course in Indonesian.

Feels like getting older and older now hehehehe...
Never mind, older means wiser am I right? :D

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. --Michael Althsuler

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Star Wars 3

Just come back from Plaza Singapore..
Today I watched Star Wars 3 with Yimmy.. hehehe
Good graphics.. very good actually...
Anyway it's a good way to end the series of Star Wars (y).
Hoahmm sleepy. Time to bed... Gnite...

Monday, May 23, 2005

Bintan Trip Day 2

Sat 21 May

Around 9 am, we were swimming at our villa's private swimming pool.
Most of the people were still sleeping soundly.
The weather was very nice.

For lunch, we had spaghetti with mushroom and minced meat sauce.
The guys cooked :). The girls watched TV and played UNO.
This is what they called 'emansipasi' hehehe.
Actually the girls wanted to help, but all the guys were occupying the kitchen until there was no room left.

We planned for water sports after lunch, but it was raining very heavily in the afternoon. So we can only did indoor activities such as playing ping pong.

When the sun started to shine, we went ahead to the beach for banana boat.
The water was rather cold and it was drizzling.
The wind was very strong brrr..

When the rain stopped, we play volleyball.
The ball was very hard, end up most of us got some red marks on our hand after playing, esp Sienny hehehe.

After beach, we went to swimming pool and took lots of pictures :).
At night, we went to main hotel lobby to have dinner.
We had steamboat and grill buffet at Kopi-O for S$36. It's rather not worthy for me to eat buffet as I can't really eat much.

Most of us had an early bed time after such a longg day and sumptuous dinner. ^_^.

Sun 22 May
This was our last day at Bintan.
I and Emmy went to hotel swimming pool and sliding through the water. That's where I hurt my foot cause I slided too fast :S.
We had instant noodle mixed with can food and veggie for lunch.

The hotel driver picked us up around 12 pm. It was raining cats and dogs. The wind was very very strong.
We took bus from hotel to Ferry Terminal and took the 2.30 pm ferry.
Reached Singapore around 2.30 local time and took MRT back home :).

That's the end of our journey.
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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Bintan Trip Day 1

I've just come back from Bintan trip with Hall3-ans.

Heheheh my body is aching all over and my foot hurts. But it is quite fun :). It's been a long time since my last trip with them.

Fri 20 May
I took half day leave and planned to reach home around 2 pm. Unfortunately some last minute bugs popped up :S. End up I skipped lunch and arrived home around 4.

I and Sienny went to the Ferry terminal by taxi as we were really catching up with the time.

We took 8 pm ferry from Tanah Merah Ferry terminal.
We arrived at Bintan island around 8 pm local time, then we took bus to Bintan Lagoon.

We were staying at Angsoka villa. The resort is definitely great. 2 storey 4 rooms with private swimming pool. And we only need to pay S$80 for 2 nights stay ^_^. Thanks to Henry and his company.


Upon arriving, we straight away went to the beach by buggy. Buggy is a small electrical car (the one that is usually use by golfer).
We draw all our names on the sand.. hihihi so cute. The beach was great at night though I couldn't really see anything.

At night, we played 'cherade', ceret or whatsoever and 'win lose or draw' with themes : Famous person, songs, things and movies.
Btw cherade is something like win lose or draw, but we use action instead of drawing.

We divided the team to 2, girls and guys.
Hehehe this is the battle of the sexes.
The girls lost the cherade and win the win lose or draw...

We had green bean soup for supper and slept around 2 am local time.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Fwd : Just A Simple Story

Hmm.. I feel a little bit bored here.

My company is going to have another software release today.
It means I have to wait for my friend to release the stack, and another friend to build exe file then only I can build the installer. Sometimes it means OT as well...
(Just ignore me if you don't understand).

By the way I have this cute email from Ravindi ^_^

Fwd : Just A Simple Story

One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus, and drove off along the route.
There is no problems for the first few stops -
a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well.
At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on.
Six feet eight, built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground.
He glared at the driver and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back.

Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek?
Well, he was.
Naturally, he didn't argue with Big John, but he wasn't happy about it.

The next day the same thing happened-Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down.

And the next day,
and the one after that,
and so forth.

This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him.

Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff. By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what's more, he felt really good about himself.

So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said,

"Big John doesn't pay!," the driver stood up, glared back at the
passenger, and screamed, "And why not?"

With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, "Big John has a bus pass."

Moral of the story:

Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one :).

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Convocation at SBC

Today is such a long day.....

After church I went to Jurong East to get the bouquet for my KTB leader's, Ci Sylvi, convocation.
Hihihih lucky the bouquet looks nice ^_^.
I ordered the bouquet the day before with my "half Chinese half English".
I never tought that ordering a bouquet can be such a big problem.
I only know a little bit of Chinese and the owner only know a little bit of English.

It started with the word convocation.. Gosh what is that in Chinese... finally I just said tu su.. she seems to understand that it is for graduation ceremony. Then followed by for girl or boy, then today or tommorow. Then I don't want the blue rose and the sunflower, hehe this is tough.

Hehehhe thank God I took Chinese class for one semester in NTU, at least I can still managed to say a few words plus all the body language :).

After getting the bouquet, I went to Bukit Batok Interchange and took 852 to SBC (Singapore Bible College).
There was one girl waiting in the bus stop, asking whether I am going for convocation in SBC as well (She saw me with the bouquet, that's why she was asking). Heheh good thing that she was going there as well, at least I will have accompany if I get lost.

The ceremony started at 4 pm. I arrived 15 minutes earlier, but the room was very crowded with only one chair left for me.
Compared to NTU graduation, this is very different. They only has 100+ graduates this year and only 2 from master of church music(Ci Sylvi's field).
In my opinion, this is a good place to study if you want to have a pastor as your wife/ hubby :).

The ceremony ended with the song "Be Thou My Vision" and benediction. It really feels like attending church for a second time in a day.

After that is taking photo session and eating time ^_^.

I arrived home around 7.45 pm and still need to wash clothes.

Hehehe need to take a rest now.

Once again Congratulations to Ci Sylvi for your graduation =). And as for Aaron (Ci Sylvi's hubby), hope you'll graduate and become 'pastor' soon. God bless you all guysss.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Amazing Race 7

Yesterday I watched the final episodes of Amazing Race 7. It is really amazing, just like the name.

Hehehe I start to become the fans of the reality show.. ^_^.

I only watched Amazing Race 6 and 7, so I still find it interesting.
For those people who have been watching it since the first season, they might find it boring.. heheh.

Anyway, there are a lot of interesting things to learn from this show.

First of all, believe in miracles, hehehe cos they really do happen.
Can you imagine that a plane that are ready to take off, go back to the passenger site just because you are begging and begging and praying?

Secondly, the strongest team doesn't necessarily win. It also depends on their luck and their taxi driver :P.

Thirdly, be good to your partner otherwise the whole journey is a misery.

The last thing is.. never give up till the end...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Simple Life

My life has been very simple lately.

I go to work in the morning. After work, just stay at home and enjoy evening tv programmes or going for some church activities.

That's why updating blog is hmmmmmmm heheheh very difficult.

This week my office has been the source of flu virus for everyone. Starting from my project manager who got fever but he still came to office. Followed by the admin officer who has flu and cough badly. Today my site manager is on mc. Now everybody start to cough cough .
Gosh guess I am influenced a little bit by this flu virus as well ^_^.

Heheh by the way congratulation to Grace and Gustaman for the new born baby.. can't wait to see the pictures =P.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Though the miles between us may be many
so are the ways that we are close.

Thinking of you with love
and thanking God for the blessing
of a wonderful mother like you



Happy mother's day to all mothers and mother's to be.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Wisdom Tooth Is Gone

I've just come back from dentist.
He managed to remove my left wisdom tooth in a very short time.
I feel sooo relieved and happy.

Finally I am free from pain and future pain. Hehehe...
I am now enjoying my one-day MC at home :D.

OK.. Message from the doctor : No hot food and drinks for today.

Have a good day.. and happy working to all of you....

I Got Toothache

Yesterday night I got a terrible toothache for the first time in my life.

I can't sleep almost the whole night because of that. I tried panadol, ice, everything. The ice actually helps to reduce the pain. But only for a while and soon I run out of ice.

In Indonesia I always have regular visit to the dentist every 6 months (heheh remind me of the toothpaste advertisement in indo). I seldom has any problems with my teeth :).
However after I came to Singapore, I only visit dentist when I went back home for holiday.
That's approximately once a year, esp after I started to work.

During my last visit to dentist, he told me that one day I will need to remove my wisdom teeth (the last molar growth at age 18-25). He actually asked me whether I want to remove it at that time. I straight away say no.. heheh. I still want to enjoy more food in indo :).

Well, may be I will need to ask dentist to remove it.